Khiyaamooyinka Oblivion - Xeerka furaha

Xeerarka furan ee loogu talagalay The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on PC

Keydka Qaybta IV: Oblivion waa barnaamij waxqabad leh oo lagu ciyaaro cajalado fiidiyoow ah oo ay sameeyaan Bethesda Game Studios ee kombuyuutarka waxayna ku dhiirigelisay qawaaniin badan oo khiyaameeya, talooyin, sir, iyo hagayaal. Fiiro gaar ah: Tani waa bogga tixraaca ee bogga ugu weyn ee PC Cheats Oblivion PC .

Ku taxan halkan iyo boggagaan soo socda waa sheyga la siinayo codsiyada loo adeegsado laacibiinta .

Xeerka furan

Arrow of Blizzards - 0004BF0B
Arrow of Brilliance - 00008A4D
Aqlaaqda Gubashada - 0004BEFB
Arrow of Cleansing - 000CD53F
Arrow of Qabow - 0004BF02
Arrow of Cowardice - 0003DFDB
Arrow of Discord - 0003BF67
Arrow of Dispel - 0004BF11
Arrow of Drain Magicka - 0004BF00
Arrow of Embers - 0004BF10
Arrow ee Xayawaanka - 00022DB5
Arrow of Daal - 0003DFD6
Arrow of Wear - 0003DFD8
Arrow of Fire - 0004BF07
Aqlaaqda oogada - 0004BF04
Arrow ee Qaboojinta - 0004BF05
Arrow of Frost - 0004BEF9
Arrow of Harm - 0003DFD7
Arrow ee Hexing - 00159676
Aqoonsiga Muuqaalka - 00008A4C
Arrow of Immolation - 000CD542
Arrow of Jinxing - 0004BEFF
Arrow of Jolts - 0004BEFD
Arrow of Light - 00008A4F
Arrow of Lightning - 0004BF0C
Arrow of Misery - 0003DFD9
Aqoonsiga Kabuubyada - 0004BEFC
Arrow of Qualms - 0003DFDA
Arrow of Frost Savage - 000CD540
Arrow of Scorching - 0004BF01
Arrow of Shocking - 0004BF03
Arrow of Silence - 0003DFDC
Xayawaanka Ukunta - 0004BEFA
Arrow of Stillness - 0003DFDD
Isticmaalka Dhibicda Duufaan - 000CD543
Roobka Duufaanta - 0004BF0F
Aqalka qorraxda - 0000BAD9
Arrow of Blaze - 0004BF0A
Aqoonsiga Dynamo - 0004BF09
Arrow of Glacier - 0004BF08
Arrow of Inferno - 0004BF0D
Arrow of Winds Winds - 000CD545
Arrow of Voltage - 0004BF06
Arrow of Winter - 0004BF0E
Aqlaaqda Isticmaalka - 0003CB6C
Daedric Arrow - 0001EFD3
Dremora Barbed Arrow - 000872A7
Dremora Broadhead Arrow - 000872A6
Dremora Field Arrow - 000872A5
Dwarven Arrow - 00022BE2
Ebony Arrow - 0001EFD5
Elven Arrow - 000229C0
Gubashada Fursada - 00008A4E
Cirifka Galka - 00022BE1
Necbaan Soul Arrow - 00014EB3
Iron Iron - 00017829
Magebane Arrow - 000CD544
Rose of Sithis - 0003266D
Silver Silver - 0001EFD4
Dhuxul Xassil - 000229C1
Isticmaalka Xilliga Deynta - 000CD541